The so-called tailor-made clothes, the clothes of the automatic mixing machine is the car frame. If the clothes are cut unreasonably, the car is not only ugly, but also its safety will be greatly reduced. The combination of track and frame is also very important.
Because we said that the frame of the car is above the tire. So the reasonable track load of the car frame must be within the reasonable range.
Automatic mixing machine

Therefore, we also know that the environmental adaptability of an automatic mixer is not only affected by the engine, but also by the track width. So we naturally know that the selection of the track width of the mixer is very important.
We all know that the frame of the car is on top of the tire, and therefore the tire is in contact with the ground. In other words, to judge whether a road can pass or not, the main thing is to see whether your track width is within the width of the road.
The above is the related content of the automatic mixing machine introduced by Xiaobian. I hope it can help you. For more wonderful content, you can click the website to understand: http://www.cqkangxinda.com