在發(fā)動(dòng)機運轉過(guò)程中,焚化室內的高壓未燃燒氣體,酸,濕氣,硫和氮氧化物會(huì )通過(guò)活塞環(huán)和氣缸壁之間的間隙進(jìn)入曲軸箱,并與通過(guò)燃燒產(chǎn)生的金屬粉末混合。因此,應定期清潔曲軸箱,以保持發(fā)動(dòng)機內部清潔。
During engine operation, high pressure unburned gases, acid, moisture, sulfur and nitrogen oxides in the incineration chamber enter the crankcase through the gap between the piston ring and cylinder wall and mix with the metal powder produced by combustion. Therefore, the crankcase should be cleaned regularly to keep the engine interior clean.

攪拌車(chē)的發(fā)動(dòng)機油箱生銹和結垢是常見(jiàn)的問(wèn)題。鐵銹和水垢會(huì )限制冷卻液在冷卻系統中的活動(dòng),降低散熱效果,導致發(fā)動(dòng)機過(guò)熱,甚損壞發(fā)動(dòng)機。因此,必須定期清潔水箱,以去除水箱之間的銹蝕和水垢。
Rust and scaling are the most common problems in the engine oil tank of mixer truck. Rust and scale will limit the coolant activity in the cooling system, reduce the heat dissipation effect, cause the engine overheating, and even damage the engine. Therefore, the water tank must be cleaned regularly to remove rust and scale between the tanks.
The maintenance of the crankcase of the mixer is like this. I hope it will help you. If you want to know more about it, please click the mixer truck http://www.cqkangxinda.com Official website.